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Golf & Rocket will choose 72 Golfers to join the Charity Golf Tournament. If you would like to be considered as a participant for our 2022 Drive For A Heart, please contact us at : .


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Donate To Support Our Clictodeal Programm

The Clictodeal Program We Support .

An Innovative, Creative Platform With Real Social Impact

Our vision is to make a change in Africa by creating an innovative and creative platform which is developed to bring technology, sports, fashion and luxury brands together to make a real difference to answer the African’s VSE SMES, The Clictodeal program is aimed at very small businesses, SMEs, charities, merchants, artisans, and hotel and restaurant companies located in Africa that want to digitize and develop an online business quickly and for free. Our mission is to digitalize Africa so that 88% of African SMEs have their own domain name and website by 2027.

Golf And Rocket
Drive For Digitization

Raising money to support the digital transformation of VSEs and SMEs in Africa. .

Donation Form

The world is facing an unprecedented global crisis. Golf & Rocket is committed to helping VSEs and SMEs in Africa through this pandemic, through the digitalization of their business.